Moksananda is a British born artist living and working in Valencia, Spain, where he has lived for more than 35 years. He explores both abstract and figurative art.
From a very early age his inner life has been vivid. As a child he found himself surrounded by imaginal beings, something that continues to this day, and felt an intense curiosity in the mystery of being alive. He also discovered the great classical composers and knew then that he wanted to live a life of creativity.
In his late teens he became interested in Buddhism and at 25 was ordained into a Buddhist Order, where he received his name (meaning ‘The joy of freedom’). He later founded the Valencia Buddhist Centre and for more than 30 years worked and traveled extensively in the Hispanic world, helping create community, giving talks and leading retreats, teaching and supporting others on the path, while deepening his own practice and understanding.
Following a strong inner call to change his life he turned to exploring the arts in more depth, and is now a full-time artist. Denis Taylor, painter and art writer, described Moksananda in Painters Tubes Magazine, as ‘an artist of enormous flexibility [...] an original painter who mixes intelligence, talent and skill with story telling.’ He has studied under American abstract artist Ty Nathan Clark.
He is also a father, published author and enjoys making video work. His paintings are shown regularly in exhibitions, both individual and collective, and are in private collections in the UK, Europe, the States, Mexico and Australia.
Mi obra explora la naturaleza inefable e inasible de toda experiencia.
Generalmente trabajo sobre lienzo y papel, utilizando óleos y acrílicos, además de carboncillo, pastel y grafito. También escribo y trabajo con vídeo.
Mi principal interés actual como artista es el espacio en el que se encuentran las formas de arte representativas y no representativas, entre la figuración y la abstracción, y el papel de la percepción en la experiencia. La incertidumbre respecto de lo que se percibe son aspectos importantes de mi obra reciente.
Los elementos de azar y los momentos de intuición son claves en mi proceso creativo. Lo inesperado es parte de la dinámica de la composición, un juego sutil entre la precisión en el uso de los materiales y una aparente aleatoriedad. El proceso creativo es una interacción entre la elección consciente y algo más allá de uno mismo.
Mi práctica de arte a tiempo completo implica trabajo constante, reflexión, investigación, meditación y tiempo no estructurado. A veces pienso en las obras de arte como lo que los antiguos celtas llamaban "lugares delgados": un punto en el tiempo y el espacio donde el velo que nos ciega al misterio esencial de nuestro ser se atenúa.